Spanish Moss Books

Upright Piano
Lady with a Metal Detector
Poems by Rebecca Hassett

Lady with a metal detector 
Back again today
I see her like I saw her yesterday 
Looking in the same spot on the windy beach 
For an earring or a wedding ring 
I am feeling grand on this hotel balcony 
Overlooking the beach 
I am sure she is staying here too
Or not 
Maybe there is some other story
Sure we're all looking for something with a metal detector on the beach 
Where is the beach?
What are you looking for?
I hope, just like me, that she finds it
Sifting now, without the metal detector, but just with her hands.

Up and Down the Elevator

Up and down the elevator 
People are so nice to each other 
At this hotel on the beach 
Blessing each other in and out 
Of the elevator doors 
On the way to the beach, 
Or the town, or the hotel room
Packing up with sloppy suitcases to go home 
Or newly arriving with neatly packed suitcases in hand 
Or on the luggage carts 
That the kids treat like a magic carpet ride!
I wish we could always be this nice to each other, 
Like at this hotel on the beach 
My daughter says the same thing 
Trying to remember this,
As we pack up for the car ride home.

Hummingbird Outside Of My Window

Hummingbird outside of my window is a sign of joy
Humming with her wings on the white and pink flower 
On the flowering bush that stares in my window 
She was planted by the people who lived here before 
We just try to keep the weeds away 
The window is smudged with dog noses 
And some of the blinds are broken by dog's teeth 
I need to clean the window 
I want some new blinds 
But the hummingbird outside of my bedroom window doesn't mind 
She's there for the flower on the plant
And the plant is there for her, too.

Words, Words, Words

A hawk on a hay bale
Watching my dogs from the field on the Farm
Next to the house where we live

The dogs didn’t run after the deer onto the field that day
They stayed by the house

I long for this unspoken communication between animals
No words, words, words

Just one look from the hawk
And my dogs knew where
To stay

When my hawk flew away,
She found another hay bale
To watch the field from
To hunt

When we walked out on the field again,
I let my dogs off leash
They ran ahead but always
Looking back at me

This is why I became a writer
To explain these unspoken communications to myself
To remember them, like moments of peace
Because I don’t love words, words, words

I like the moments that take longer to describe
You always had to be there
To remember 
So I use words, words, words
For moments when I was alone with my mind
With my dogs, my hawk and the field.

A Bucket 

Had a dream about Alice Walker telling me,
Let the rain fall in the buckets,
Watch it fall...

In the dream, I was watching a stained glass ceiling in an old house, 
With cracks in the ceiling 
The rain fell in long lines through the cracks in the ceiling 
There were buckets all along the floor 

I had anxiety about the ceiling, the buckets and the rain 
Alice Walker was calmly there with me
She said, Let the rain fall in the buckets. Watch it fall.

Later, I tried to make a drawing of this scene in my dream
But I am not a drawer, I am a writer after all...