Spanish Moss Books

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Magic Memoirs & Journeys of Faith
    It seems strange that the material world can soothe so deeply; 
that’s a virtue I’d always reserved to God. 
 I find the Honduran box, the sea stars, the Masai elders, the artist’s dream of a starving child and hold them close to me. . . . 
 I surround myself with the things I can see that reach the place in me 
that loves, that is open, that knows wonder and astonishment and joy, 
and remember that the whole world is God, when I open my eyes.

Magic, Amy Blackmarr

Mother’s Ring     by Anne Gibbons
Hello, Dianne     by Rachel C. Wilson
Deer Rock        by Rebecca Hassett
Imagination and Faithfulness     by Rev. Kaye Edwards
The Little Green Horse and the Black Bear     by Frances Sutherland
Rooms Around the Closet     by Peggy Fosse
Felling the Maple    by Jennifer Fessler
When the Magic Works     by Ana Ekstrom
Infinite Variety     by Vera Klauck
Mountaintop Dawning     by Kay Hicks
Confirmation     by Dolly Cardwell
The Red Bud Tree     by Susan Allen

A Collection of True Stories Edited by Rebecca Hassett

Photographs taken by (from left to right):
Jennifer Fessler, Anne Gibbons, Susan Allen